Tracy and I made arrangements for their guest to join me for church this morning. Kylie, a Ski for Light participant from Perth, Australia, arrived yesterday. She traveled 29.5 hours. She is blind and has only one leg. She lost both to cancer. This is her second time here. We went to the Blessed Sacrament Church. We were able to visit with my cousins, Tom and Sharon Zeller, after mass.
Pete and I planned a German meal to prepare and eat at the home of Gene and Colleen Schneider in Sturgis today. Gene was a classmate of mine in dental school. Pete and I picked up groceries and arrived at their home about 2:30.
We spent the afternoon prepping food and drinking wine and beer. We occasionally needed to change to water to clear our heads for the next step. Besides the 4 of us, their daugter, Kaitlin and her husband Woody, Lorraine Himrich, and Margaret Moore Harrell joined us. Toni Moore helped come up with this event, but couldn’t make it today. Lorraine’s late husband, Mark, was a classmate of mine in dental school, too. Everyone helped prepare the meal. Then we enjoyed the meal with lots of laughs. Good friends for over 30 years.
Peter pounding the steaks |
assembling the rouladen |
that's a plateful |
beautiful red cabbage or rot kraut |
getting into the action |
Kaitlyn mixing spaetzle |
Woody, Pete, Mary, Kaitlyn. the pie tin didn't work for making the spaetzle |
pushing dough though colander to make spaetzle |
Margaret doing her part |
Mary and Colleen, a few beverages were consumed during the preparation |
Mary and Peter |
Lorraine with beautiful dishes |
Margaret, Peter, Gene. Lorraine, Colleen, Woody and Kaitlyn |
Kaitlyn Schneider Palmer, Mary, Margaret, Peter, Gene, Lorraine, Woody Palmer |
Menu: rot kraut (red cabbage), warm potato salad, Rouladen (my brother Jerry’s recipe was better), spaetzle, and pretzel bread. Margaret brought apple crisp made with my mother’s recipe for dessert. Everything was very good. And everyone’s favorite dish was the potato salad.
clockwise starting at 12:00 is rot kraut, rouladen, spaetzle, warm German potato salad, pretzel bread |
Lorraine Himrich and Gene Schneider |
Lorraine Himrich, Gene and Colleen Schneider |
Mary, Margaret Moore Harrell, Peter |
Pete and Lorraine |
Kaitlyn and Woody |
Mary and Margaret |
Mary, Gene and Lorraine |
Lorraine, Pete and I all planned to spend the night.
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