Wednesday, October 3, 2018

September 15, 2018 Isles of Shoals, New Hampshire

We left this morning for Isles of Shoals.  It is a group of islands about 8 miles off the coast near Portsmouth, New Hampshire.  We continue to watch how hurricane Florence is going to move after it makes landfall.  Right now it looks like we’ll see some wind and rain, but not hurricane force.
checking lobster traps as we were leaving Gloucester
looks like Europe, less fog today
We're the blue dot

We had some great views of the shoreline as we rounded the Gloucester peninsula.  We saw dolphins on the way, but they are impossible to capture on film, at least with my phone.  We had pretty flat seas with fog part of the way.
Off of Cape Ann and Rockport
When we were close to the islands, Dave called the yacht club about using their mooring balls for the night.  The man on the phone said to just use one marked with the yacht club logo AND they never had this conversation. 

On Star Island, there is an old hotel that is used for retreats and conventions.  There was a group there at the time.  We were wanting to watch the Alabama football game, so we called the hotel to see if they had a lounge that was open to the public.  They didn’t have a bar, but we were welcome to use their lobby.  I explained that we were looking for wifi and would be happy to spend some money on their island.  They didn’t allow people to use wifi in their lobby, but they had a business center we could use.  In the end, I convinced her to give us their wifi password so we cold use our booster and get wifi on the boat.   Later we found out that the hotel was owned by the Unitarian church, hence no bar.
there is a covered walkway from the house to the light house
Hotel on Star Island
fun kites at the hotel
We were able to listen to Alabama win another football game while we had a nice dinner on the boat. 

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