Tuesday, May 16, 2017

April 23, 2017 storm with a waterspout

Torben and Anne-Marie decided to go for a swim off of the boat this morning.  It was a cloudy day, but they thought it was warmer than Denmark.

It was a windy, rainy day, so we just stayed at anchor near Meeks Patch.  About 5:00 pm, a black storm cloud passed over Spanish Wells and the anchorage we left yesterday.  We actually watched a waterspout form.  You can see it dipping down from the clouds and picking up water from the ocean.  This was the closest the Danes have ever been to anything resembling a tornado. 

Later we heard that some boats were damaged in Spanish Wells.  And further down the island of Eleuthera, they had 100mph winds.  Hurricane winds start at 60mph.  The Danes thought it was exciting.

waterspout over our previous anchorage

Torben brought us licorice pipes and Toblerone chocolates

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