We started the Palm Sunday mass by all walking down the hill by the road. We started the service there, blessed the palms, and all processed up the hill together back into the church singing the whole way. The choir had about 8 members and would sway back and forth to their singing and could sing LOUD. And great harmonies with “embellishments”.
Then when they read the Passion, they had the priest and 2 men singing the entire reading. It was wonderful to listen to and very moving. I had expected mass to go at least 90 minutes and Rinssor planed for that. But it was close to 2 hours. He had stopped and asked someone outside and they gave him an estimate. So he left and came back. Really a nice guy.
When I returned, Dave made and egg brunch using the leftover conch salad in the eggs. It was fantastic!
Dave spent the day changing oil on the engine, the generator and the high pressure pump on the water maker. That was an all day job. I sorted through clothing again to get winter things stored deeper under the v berth. We will be getting under the part closest to the bow to get bedding out for company. So that is my chance to store some things. It’s funny how you start thinking about what can be stored or taken out of that area so it can be done all at one time. It’s kind of a pain to pull back the mattress and open those compartments.
I finished chasing the new mildew that was showing up (but not as bad as in Georgia). Then I put up some Easter decorations. Just stickers from Walmart I picked up in Palm Beach. Then I throw them away after the holiday. No storing decorations on this boat.
Late afternoon, we took jerry cans to a fuel dock to fill. That is easier than moving the boat, if we need less than 20 gallons. I didn’t have to go, but it’s fun to hop in and ride along. You never know what you will see. It reminded me of when I was about 6-10 years old and always asked to ride along whenever my parents were going anywhere.
We are actually having a cold front this week and had to get out a second blanket so we could leave all the windows open. Love the breeze at night.
(OK, just wondering, how do black women wearing white not have panty lines?)
crab on the line that ties the dinghy to the boat (besides locking it) |
he can get "online" easier than we can :) |
The light makes it hard to see the hanging cross made of driftwood |
alter with drifwood |
Preparation for Palm Sunday |
beautiful braided palms |
procession back to the church |
Marsh Harbor |
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