Wednesday, June 7, 2023

October 30-November 2, 2022 Oyster roast, Halloween, Marshside Grill dinghy trip

 10-30 The marina had an oyster roast for us today.  They try to do this a couple time in the fall.  They steam some and leave others raw.  We like the raw ones and get our fill.  Good oysters, good friends!

Mary "Alabama Dave", Margaret

Bill and Margaret

Dave, Hood and Margaret
Mary, Dave and Hood
Deb, Nancy, Linda, Molly, Tam
Marina owner, Michael and son
Michael with both sons
Susan, Tam, Mary

10-31 The children at the marina go from dock to dock trick or treating about 4:00.  I had decorated our dock with Dollar store decorations.  Then dock mates sit at the top of the dock to greet the kids.  Much safer than having them go down the docks and knock on boats.  Plus it’s another excuse for a happy hour on the dock.  There was a costume party at the marina, but we weren’t into going this year. 

dock mates heading to the party at the clubhouse (which we skipped this yeat)

My brother Don found out today that he will have 4 rounds of chemotherapy and then have his bladder out in March.  He’ll start November 2 for 3 days.  And it can be done in Pierre, SD.  He was doctoring with a specialist in Sioux Falls, SD.
11-1 Dave washed the inside of aft water tank with a pressure washer.  This was the first time, but he thought it would be a smart thing to do.  In the process, he realized the plug for the main opening was leaking, so he replaced that.  He also washed the forward tank at another time.  
11-2 Dave recovered cushions that are used to support our dinghy when it is stored on the deck.  He’s pretty handy with that Sailrite sewing machine. 

That afternoon, we took a dinghy ride to Marshside Grill with other boaters.  Always a fun outing.

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