Wednesday, October 11, 2017

September 9-12, 2017 Helen, GA and our VRBO condo

Saturday, Sept 9
Today, the hurricane hit the Florida keys.  What a mess.  We know a lot of people who have sailboats there, especially in Marathon, but no one personally.  My niece, Sherri and husband Bobby, have a home in Key Largo.  They had prepped everything and left.  We also know 3 South Dakotans and one couple from Colorado that have boats in the Punta Gorda area, north of Ft Myers, FL.  Every storm is so unpredictable.  We are wishing them all the best.

We spent the day watching football.  We love having a couch and tv.  We’re so easily pleased these days.  Our favorite college team won this afternoon, Roll Tide!!  We caught a few other games.  Dave has fun texting our niece, Melanie Krause, during the OU Sooner games. 
many people inner tube this section of the Chattahoochee river

Tonight about 11:00, the same drunk came back to our door.  We were still up, so Dave tried to convince him to leave again.  He tried our sliding door, too.  So we decided to call the police.  He came back while Dave was on the phone.  When the cops showed up, the guy was no where in sight.  Dave and the cop had a nice chat, and it was quiet the rest of the night. 

Sunday Sept 10
I found a Catholic church in the next town of Cleveland.  After mass, I found a Walmart.  I needed to pick up some contact cement for Dave.  The only pair of shoes that he brought along, sandals, were broken.  A store attendant had to check my ID to buy the contact cement.  Live is much easier when you have a car.
Beautiful wooden carved fountain
Pretty outdoor fountain

We decided to go out for a late lunch today.  We walked downtown to the Old Heidelberg restaurant.  We both had Jaegerschnitzel and weren’t impressed.  It was OK, but different.  The pork wasn't breaded and the gravy was ok.  I don’t think we will return. 
Helen, GA
Jaegerschnitzel and Hungarian Goulash
Helen, GA

We were back at the condo in time to watch the Green Bay Packers beat the Seahawks.  We spent the rest of the evenings flipping channels.  OK, we really haven’t missed tv that much.

Today, the owners of the condo called us and offered us to stay here 1-2 days longer at no charge.  They weren’t sure where we were headed, but they didn’t think we should be driving in this weather.  Irma was passing through Georgia as a tropical storm.  This was the first time Atlanta had ever had a tropical storm.  I guess we’ll stay another day and see what things are like by Tuesday morning. 

Monday Sept 11
We had wind and rain all day.  This condo is on the Chatahoochee River, but we are off the water.  The river did rise, but not out of it’s banks.  We were never without power.  We went to the Bodensee Restaurant for dinner.  Their Jaegerschnitzel and veal cordon bleu were great.  Their sauces and sides were much better, more authentic.

Tuesday, Sept 12
We can’t get back to the marina yet, probably not until Thursday or Friday.  So we spent another day in front of the TV.  We are loving this guilt free laziness.  We decided to go back to the Bodensee for dinner.  I tried the Zigeuner schnitzel and Dave had the wurst platter.  The zigeuner sauce was sweeter than I liked, so they brought me the gravy they use on their jaegerschnitzel.  Much better.  Then back to the couch.  And the condo owners offered us another day.  So we’ll see what the roads are like in the mo
Good Beer

Zigeunerschnitzel and wurst platter

It as hard to leave the condo

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