Saturday, December 28, 2019

July 15-16, 2019 Torben's home and cabin

Dave and I cooked a Low Country Boil for the students.  It was new to all of them and they loved it. 
Neils had one more day on his hunting license and had shoot a deer.  He shot a deer after work. Then the guys all went out with a hunting dog to track it after dinner.  Proud hunters.


Lessa, Kirsten, Niels, dental students. I've always loved their dining room table with a marble center, therefore no need for hot pads

Today we cooked Mexican for everyone.  We made Chimichanga’s using my friend Nancy’s recipe.  We also made guacamole with fresh avocado.  That was a first for them. 

part of Torben's back yard

Torben's back yard

Torben bought electric scooters for his office.  Each week and employee will get to use it around town with his office name on it for advertising. 

We went to see a small cabin that Torben has bought near a canal off the ocean.   He plans to restore it and live there when he retires, at least part time.

Torben's project cabin

Torben's deck in front of his cabin

the brown cabin in the back is Torben's

Torben's dock at his cabin

the canal off of the ocean in front of Torben's cabin

looking out at the North Sea

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