5-24 We took the dinghy back to the southern end of Current island again. This time we were on the same side of the island as the area we wanted to snorkel, so the ride was shorter and smoother. It was smart to wait for a calmer day. The Pimlico Islands run along the end of Current Island with about a mile between them and Current Island. We decided to start snorkeling on the ocean side of the Pimlico Islands where there is usually more growth. There were a lot of great coral heads, reefs with canyons between them, and lots of fish. There was a gentle current to swim as we held onto the dinghy.
we snorkeled on the left side of Pimlico Island today and along the left side of current Island previously
Current island is on the right

black in center is a sea urchin

triggerfish |
We stopped about half way down the chain of islands in a beautiful rocky
cove to have lunch. After a nice break, we swam with the dinghy
again. There was a break between 2 major island that we thought we
would swim past, but the current was flowing between them and started
pulling us through with the dinghy. At first we were fighting the
current and trying to pull the dinghy back away from the inlet. Finally
Dave yelled “just go with it!”. So we swam with the dinghy between the
2 islands over coral. Luckily, the tide was high enough that we
floated over it. If it had been lower, the dinghy might have gotten
stuck on the coral. Or we could have scraped our bodies as we passed
over the coral. Once we were through the inlet, we were in the calmer
waters between the Pimlico and Current Cut Islands. WHEW!! That was a
little scary!
snails on the rock
the break between the 2 islands before we knew we would be going through there
you always seem to find these in pairs
We got back in the dinghy and motored over to
the shore of Current Cut to get out of the wind. We found the beach we
were at last week and beached the dinghy for a rest. We were too tired
to swim anymore and headed back to the boat after resting.

After we
were back at our boat, we decided to move it back to Spanish Wells so
we could provision. It only took about an hour to move the boat and
anchor. What a day!
5-25 Wednesday. It was late morning by the
time we went into Spanish Wells. We went to Pinder’s for diesel and gas
and a few groceries. They were still out of gas, so we took the dinghy
to Spanish Wells Marine and Hardware that was close by. They were
closed for lunch, so we HAD to go to Buddha’s for a hamburger, fries and
beer. We sat at the bar for the first time and the service was much
better (faster). Will remember that for the future. Buddha’s is about
4-5 blocks inland up a hill. Nice walk. We returned to our dinghy,
that was tied to the sea wall, and motored back Spanish Wells Marine.
They don’t have a dinghy dock, or we would come here more often. They
have to hand the fuel hose down to us in our dingy about 5 feet below
their dock. Dave likes to visit with the owner. We reminded him that
we bought our used Portland Pudgy dingy from him in 2017. He remembered
us (or said he did).
After we returned to the boat and unloaded the
dinghy, we moved the boat to Royal Island Harbour. It’s only about 5
miles, but takes us an hour by the time we lift anchor, move and anchor
again. We were surprised to have the anchorage to ourselves. I felt
like going for a swim. So I took snorkel gear to check the anchor.
Then decided to check out the area. There weren’t many coral
formations, but I found a few very large starfish, sea anemone, mangrove
jellyfish and sea biscuits. Sea biscuits are in the sand dollar family
but are larger and fatter, like a biscuit. I didn’t take pictures of
the ones I picked up, but found a stock picture.
half circle is the top bar on our anchor, the line below in the anchor
chain, the line on the left is the line to a buoy to mark where the
anchor is located
stock picture of sea biscuits, the ones I see vary between 3-6 inches in diameter
mangrove jellyfish
tried to give some perspective to the size. I wear gloves in case I want to pick up something
sea anemone
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