Sunday, July 1, 2018

December 2-15, 2017 Brunswick Marina events

On December 2, I joined 3 other ladies from the marina on a tour of 8 homes in Historic District of Brunswick.  They were beautiful.  We all miss having a large kitchen, but agreed that we wouldn’t want to clean those big houses.

Dave dove the boat again.  He wanted to clean the prop, but there wasn’t much growth on it because he is using Lanocote on it.  It is a very thick sticky paste.  It keeps the barnacles from attaching, or they attach lightly and are easily removed.  Then he lubricated the prop to prevent rust.  And he changed the zincs.  He had an audience at one time of our neighbors.  The water looks dark from the tannin in the water.  So his visibility isn’t great.


On December 8, our information exchange was about outboard motors maintenance and trouble shooting.  One of our boaters that used to work on diesel motors and outboards was the presenter.  We used a great article by Carolyn Shearlock.  She has a website called  I have learned so much from her over the past 4 years.  I receive her newsletter which had an article called Outboard Won’t Start 101.  The website is  She also had good information about what you should carry in your dinghy.  Always learn something new.

Dave refuses to buy a new pair of sandals.  We bought some contact cement in September.  This time, he used several clamps to hold the parts together while it set.  Crazy.

We had another beautiful sunset at the marina.  When I returned to the boat after game night, the Christmas lights made such a pretty reflection on the water.  Photos don’t do it justice. 

On December 15, or information exchange was about everyone’s favorite fishing gizmos.  There were about a dozen people that just sat around a couple tables and shared what we like to use for fishing on the boat.  Dave showed the group his hand line set up and a lure he made using lawn chair webbing. 

I took some time today to make some Christmas treats.  Dave loves English toffee, so I try to make it once a year.  We also like pretzels and almond bark.  We had fun making up some treat bags to give to other boaters. 


We occasionally have themes for our happy hour appetizers.  Friday the 15 was red and green, so I made Christmas wreaths that I haven’t made in years.  What a mess.   I would recommend just making one big wreath and slicing it.  Everyone thought I had the best presentation for the red and green theme.

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