This morning, Dave was trying to download some updates before we lost our wifi. They were going really slow. So we decided to go to shore before leaving and let it run. We wanted to take a bag of garbage to shore to a public dumpster. We may have to pay to have someone take our garbage on some islands. One thing we started this week was separating our food garbage into a large coffee can. It is OK to throw that overboard in the Bahamas when you are cruising, but not at anchor. It helps cut down on the smell of your garbage, too Then we try to limit cans and we cut up plastic so it doesn’t take up as much room.
We also decided to go out for breakfast. We found a place down at the end of “main street”. We passed a day care on the way there and could here the children singing a song together. So Cute! Parts of it sounded like “God Save the Queen”. We weren’t sure if it was similar or if they just weren’t carrying the tune. But maybe there is a Bahamian rendition of it since there were a lot of British settlers that came here after the American Revolution, Loyalists.
We had the specials of the day for breakfast. I had the lobster scrambler and Dave had the chicken souse with Johnny Cake. They said he could have it for breakfast, but it looked more like the lunch special to me. Dave thought souse would be more like a gelatin. But it was a chicken vegetable soup with clove and vinegar. There were lots of chicken wings, skin and all. Dave loved it. Dave asked the waitress if Johnny cake was like corn bread. She said “better”. And it was. It was moist and sweet and dense. My toast was made from homemade bread.
chicken souse for breakfast! |
Founder's Park |
beautiful bougainvillea everywhere |
We left Green Turtle Cay at 11:45 and moved on the next Cay, No Name Cay. We were anchored in less than an hour. That was the closest anchorage we have ever moved to. Usually it’s 5 or 10 or 24 hours away. Before going to shore, we decided to try washing clothes by hand for the first time on the boat. We have a 5 gallon bucket and a plunger especially for that purpose. We put about 8 articles of clothing in the bucket with laundry soap, plunged it for awhile, then let is soak while we went to shore.
laundry |
little aggitation |
No Name Cay is uninhabited by humans, but there are friendly ferrel pigs. We have seen pictures of them swimming out to your boat. So we took our food garbage in a bag and headed to shore in our dinghy. There was a rented power boat there with about 6 teenagers already on shore. It looked like a couple of them had some kind of a prodding stick they were poking at them. But as we got closer, i realized it was a “go pro” camera on a stick. The latest toy. No one could get them to come out into the water. They didn’t look hungry to us, more like they needed water. So we left the food for them and headed back to our dinghy to find a place to snorkel on the ocean side of the island.
pig beach |
lone pig on the beach. what a life |
We had to watch the water for coral and shallow areas. Then we had to find a way through a bank with crashing waves to get to the outside of the island. We weaseled our way through where we didn’t see any waves breaking, but we were nervous. On the outside, there was a reef close to shore and one further out. We headed along the shore between the two reefs looking for mooring balls to tie our boat to. But we never did see them. So we had a fun ride in the rolling waves, some probably 4 feet high.
I had to stop taking pictures and watch for rocks and coral |
We went back to the pig beach and just walked the beach looking at unusual shells. Then we went back to our boat and did some snorkeling around it. We checked the anchor and the hull of the boat. Dave stayed in longer to clean the hull as best he could with out an air supply, only snorkel.
collection that I left on the beach |
I showered on the swim deck, then started the next load of laundry. I let the second one soak until Dave finished snorkeling so we could add his towel after he showered. I started dinner while Dave finished rinsing everything and hanging up the clothes. I had cleaned off the life lines so we could hang the clothes there. When I have hung swimsuits and towels in the past, I didn’t wipe them off because I knew they would be washed later. Well now we were hanging clean clothes. Besides being dirty, I could feel salt crystals on the lines too. We also have a stretchy line that we can hang anywhere. So Dave put that up in the cockpit. It is a braided stretchy line. And you open the braid and pull a piece of cloth through to hold it instead of using pins. We hung towels and underwear here because we weren’t concerned about a wrinkled area. We just read a review about a marina at our next island that charged $20 per load for laundry!
We had a great dinner of leftovers from last night plus a salad. Then we spent the night reading and blogging (writing, not posting)
laundry on stretchy line (minus the underwear) |
laundry on life lines |
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